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Microchip pic 16F627 dc pwm motor speed control pcb (5)

Lot of five Microchip 16F627 Microcontroller Based Motor Speed Control Boards
Click HERE for the PIC 16F627 datasheet.
The circuit board has two snap switches, a buzzer, two dual two color LEDs and one red and one green LED. The power outputs are two 55 Volt 30 Amp IRLZ34N power MOSFET transistors, one of which is mounted on a nice heat sink.
Click HERE for the IRLZ34N datasheet.
It looks like the IRLZ34N with the heatsink was used to control the speed of a DC motor and the other was used to run the ozonation cell.
The PIC is unprogrammed. You can unsolder it and program it with a standalone programmer such as the Microchip PICSTART, or program it in circuit. For in circuit circuit programming, see the data sheet.
This board could probably be used for any general purpose control application, especially for PWM control of any DC load, particularly small or medium size DC motors. The board includes a HA17324 high voltage quad op amp and a HA17339 quad high voltage comparator.
Click HERE for the HA17324 datasheet.
And HERE for the HA17339 datasheet.
The complete board schematic is shown in the next to last photo below.
Brand new, factory packed in anti static bags, ready to experiment with.
Here is a simple test program written in PIC Assembly which turns on the green LED of D3 if SW 1 is pressed, otherwise it turns on the red side of D3. It was written using the free MPLAB IDE assembler available from Microchip. A good starter book for learning PIC assembly language is Easy Pic'n by David Benson, but there are also plenty of others. It's really quite easy.
list P=16f627 ; PIC16f627 is the target processor
; *****************************
;This program is just a test to see if the 16F627 works as expected on the PCB
goto begin ;jump over interrupt vector
org 0x10 ;store code starting at address 0x10
begin bsf status,5 ;select bank 1
movwf trisa ;set porta 0 and 5 as inputs, others as outputs
movwf trisb ;make portb 0-4 outputs 5-7 inputs
clrf intcon ;disable all interrupts
movlw 0x0f ;set up prescaler=wdt,value=256
option ;put in option register
clrf fsr ;in case the PIC gets lost in space
btfss portb,6 ;see if sw1 is on
bsf portb,2 ;turn on green half of D3
bcf portb,1 ;turn off red half of D3
nosw1 bsf portb,1 ;turn on red half of D3
bcf portb,2 ;turn off green half of D3
It worked fine. Pressing Switch1 turns D1 green, otherwise D1 is red.
For technical questions, contact ****@hotmail.com.

Microchip pic 16F627 dc pwm motor speed control pcb (5)