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Mobilesiteguru - established website creation tool

For sale is the Mobile Website Creation Tool MobilesiteGuru (http:// )
I am selling this, because I just got granted a Patent on another project and try to raise money for a prototype.
I spent over a year in development and design of this platform (since Feb 2009). MobilesiteGuru was launched in February 2010 and already got over 400 active users from all around the world with a very limited advertisement budget (just word of mouth). The platform is completely written in clean object oriented PHP with a lot of comments and features a highly optimized MySQL database. The system is fully tested, stable and runs great (check it out at http:// ).
I run a couple of weeks AdWords campaigns, Facebook ads and Display ads for it with great success. MobilesiteGuru has good potential to be on the top. I am not a marketing specialist but I know how to create Killer sites. That's maybe another reason why I am selling this: I spent so much time into it and just want to see how it takes off :-)
I am hosting the complete software at Slicehost and I would recommend to keep it there. There is a monthly fee involved of $50 per month. However, you need to take over the
domains (there are several domains).
- You can have the whole website including all rights, the code, the server, the different accounts for a good price. You can do whatever you want with it. If you are a competitor, then you maybe want to remove it from the market and redirect it to your site. It is your call. (See below what is included). If you want to take it on, I would help you to bring you up to speed for a month. Give training to your dev team, etc.
- Or, you can invest in this and get a partial share. I know that MobilesiteGuru has great potential. Think about this.
* Full PHP Source Code of MobilesiteGuru
* All assets regarding MobilesiteGuru (Logos, etc)
* Twitter Account for MobilesiteGuru (http:// /twitter)
* AdWords Account with established Quality Scores
* Multiple Related Domains (including http:// )
* Myself for training your Dev/Manager Team(s) for one or two month, depending on contract
I can walk you through the whole system if you like. I want that you can continue this project with the same way as I started it - I want to keep the MobilesiteGuru spirit alive.
Again, I am selling this to raise money for another project (if you interested in that, please review http:// and contact me using the e-mail address there.)
You will have tons of questions and I want to give you the answers. If you serious interested, please contact me.

Mobilesiteguru - established website creation tool